SEO USA Careers

SEO USA Careers


The organisation provides access to internships from major corporations to a large number of college students all across the USA. They hold numerous intern events throughout the summer. The organisation found it difficult to keep track of intern event signups, intern resources, or campus contacts for the large number of colleges.

Value Proposition

Use a single application that would be easy for employees to update events, track intern signups, and provide contact details for all campus contacts.

Our Solution

We adapted an open source events app to integrate with the organisations content management system. We implemented a sophisticated access control and permissions system that restricted interns to events relevant for their program.

Further, to handle the large and ever changing library of resources, we created an intern resource area that would serve as a document distribution system.

To help with online campus recruiting we created an app that would display the relevant contact based on the candidate’s college campus.

As a large proportion of organisations viewers are college students, we created a dynamic mobile site that was powered using their existing content management system.

  • Year: 2013
  • Scope: Consulting, system architecture, and website design
  • Client: SEO USA Careers
  • URL: